
Cause Con is an opportunity for young adults to explore what it really means to live like the Kingdom is our cause. At the 2018 conference in Kansas City, attendees participated in sessions about vocation, calling, and leadership.

2018 Friday Morning Session

Law, Immigration, and Jesus - Andrea Martinez

Why I Am A Firefighter - Matt Stout

Kingdom Calling is Selfless - Gefory Kigenyi

Friday Morning Session Panel Discussion

How to be a Kingdom Person In Corporate America - Rachel Attebery

2018 Saturday Morning Session

Calling, Kingdom, and Creativity - Rian Emano

Saturday Morning Session Panel Discussion

Bringing the Kingdom with Youth - Jenna Stepp

The Kingdom and the Academy - Caleb Maskell

2018 Main Sessions

The Narrow Path of Leadership - Geno Olison

Engaging In Your Calling - Kathy Maskell

View Past Cause Con Talks

The 2016 talks focused on Vineyard Values including worship, compassion, and more.