4 Things We Love About Road Trips

Half of the fun of coming to a conference like CauseCon is the time it takes to get there. We think God is going to do lots of cool stuff at this conference and even on the way there. We’re praying that you have a really safe and fun ride to Kansas City. In general, we think road trips are a good time, so we’re sharing some of the reasons we love them:

  1. The Conversation.
    We love the conversations that happen in the car. They’re something about the time and space that allows people to open up and share their heart. It’s a great  time to dig deeper and ask some great questions like:

    • What do you think God is calling you to?
    • What are you looking for more discernment about at CauseCon?
    • What do you want to be remembered for?
    • What’s the best or the hardest thing about being an adult?
  2. The Jams.
    You’ve got to have a good passenger DJ for a trip like this. If you’re doing a road trip right, you’re singing a long to some great classics, probably hearing some new songs to add to your own playlist, and maybe even throwing in some air guitar. If you want to know what we’re listening to, check out our road trip playlist here.
  3. The Food.
    Road trips always mean stopping at new places to try new food. It means gas station stops for ice cream and soda, gummy worms and chocolate bars. It means fast food that you don’t have in your neck of the woods. And who doesn’t love all of that?
  4. The Anticipation.
    It’s exciting to be around a group of people heading towards something life-changing. A lot of us forget to take time before something like this to wrap our mind around it. It’s important to prepare your heart. If you’ve already processed some of what you’re looking for at CauseCon you can be ready to immediately dive into what God is doing once you get there. We want to invite you to take a listen to our podcast which is all about how you can prepare yourself for this conference

We’d love to know what you like about road trips and how yours goes. Send us updates on your locations and the shenanigans the people in your car are up to. Use #cause2live4 to show us your yummy meals, the friendships you’re forming, and your awesome air guitar skills in the car.