How to address the unnameable discontent of your twenties

Do you feel a sense of discontent that you can’t pinpoint? Are you rushing to get out of these season of life? In this video, Jared Boyd (Director of the Order of Sustainable Faith – A Monastic Expression of the Vineyard) talks about how he faced the unnamable discontent of his twenties and was healed through focus on what God was doing in that season of life.

You are invited to join a new generation of Vineyard risk-takers as we explore why the kingdom of God is truly a cause worth living and dying for. We’ve got an intense hunger to see God accomplish his purposes in our lives and all across our world. And we’d love to meet you. Join us for a weekend of intense soul-searching as we worship together, pray for one another, learn from the scriptures, and are encouraged by real-life stories of God’s faithfulness.