What Would You Be Willing to Risk for the Kingdom of God?

Oh boy. We are so looking forward to CauseCon! (And if you’d like to come, there’s still time. Register, here.) If you’ve been listening to our podcast, you probably heard James Choung—author, Intervarsity Evangelism Director, church planter, etc—throw down with this little nugget:

If you’re in your 20s and you’re not failing at something, it makes me wonder if you are risking enough.

If you have yet to dive into the podcast, put it on your playlist for you travel to the conference. Listen here or subscribe via itunes In episode 2 James says we need to be willing to “write a check that only God can cash.”

If you’re anything like me, that’s both an inspiring and a terrifying idea—getting in over my head and depending on God to keep the whole thing afloat. But that’s also kind of the whole idea of CauseCon, isn’t it? That we’re looking for something big and important enough to give our whole lives to. And I bet that many of us are coming to CauseCon hoping to hear more from God about our specific calling, whether it’s to full-time ministry, a particular career, or just some fundamental sense of direction.

And CauseCon is a great place to hear God about our specific, long-term calling but, as James pointed out, we also all have a calling to participate in the Kingdom of God in bigger ways here and now, at CauseCon, on the road, and at home in . So, to help you figure out how to do that, here are a few questions to consider. Take some time to pray through you answers. Write about them in your journal. Talk about them with your road-tripping buddies.

Going Deeper:

  • When you think of following Jesus, where do you think that might lead you? Where do you hope it will lead you?
  • What do we expect from following Jesus? What does he tell us to expect when we follow him?
  • If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you like to do in the Kingdom of God? How would you like to spend your life? Allow yourself to dream a little. God uniquely designed you, and your dreams may just be from him!
  • Are there things that you are secretly hoping God won’t ever ask you to do?

DSC_2697Really do some soul searching on this one. Is there an assignment you could get from God to which you would hesitate to say yes? Public speaking? Ministry in a particular location? A life of singleness? Press in and ask God to show you why you feel resistance toward those things. Just because you don’t want to do something doesn’t mean that God is automatically going to make you do it. He’s not out to get you. He loves you. But, the resistance you feel could actually be blocking you from something really good that he has for you.

We’re constantly faced with the choice of whether we will obey God in the small things. As you are making your way to CauseCon, try asking God frequently—both on your own and with your travel buddies—what he’s up to and how you can participate. This is a sweet opportunity for you and your fellow travellers to participate in the Kingdom together, here and now.

And if you do this, we really want to hear your stories! Fill us in in the comments below, or on social media with the hashtag #cause2live4.

See you at CauseCon!